Tuesday, September 3, 2013

As you all know I'm Christian, however I think the ten commandments are really fucking boring and bland. I mean honestly, every Christian out there has broken a commandment daily but it's not that big of a deal is it? I think it needs to be spiced up a little bit, so I have written a brand new set of ten commandments based upon how I feel they should be written! Enjoy!

The Ten Meade Commandments

1. Thou shalt not obey other jammers but Meade the almighty
2. Thou shalt not worship or idolise anything except Wayne Carey, Ollie Rayner, slutz, jodz and spanky
3. Thou shalt not take Meade’s name in vain, unless you are thy goat
4. Remember thy Sunday, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour except dirty mooches like Marnz; but the seventh day is for rest or schlamming after a big night at the gal or hush. On the seventh day water must be consumed in bulk proportion to ensure dehydration doesn’t set in
5. Honour thy goat (father) or he may rage; jam thy mary (mother) as they are weak. All sisters shalt be called sluts; all brothers shalt be called metros.
6. Thou shalt not get physical; fights will be resolved with words and logic.
7. Thou shalt not mooch ex-girlfriends or roots from thy fellow bro; regardless of the length of thy homogeneity   
8. Thou shalt not mooch working man’s hard earned tax dollars
9. Thou shalt not jam thy neighbour unless thy neighbour is of Japanese, Mexican or Korean descent.
10. Thou shalt not be envious of thy neighbour’s possessions. Unless thy neighbour is a dirty mooch in which case you can schlam thy neighbour’s wife, drive thy neighbour’s lambo and kidnap thy neighbour’s child as a personal slave. If thy neighbour possesses a 1972 kombi van then obtain a bus to jam thy neighbour

Realistically I see these as being more successful. Or as Jim Jefferies says maybe the bible should be a singular page document with four words written on it. (youtube it).

Stephanie Danielle Johansson

Sunday, August 11, 2013


To everyone who's held me up and everyone who's brought me down
I will never forget your faces, your voices.
To everyone who's held me up and everyone who's brought me down
I will never forget your faces, your voices.
Wink and smile for a while behind a mask
In a room of double faces, you can never hide what's in your past.

A. Fitipaldes

Haven't updated this motherfuckaaaaaaaaaaa in while so may as well share my thoughts to the internet world yo! Lately the main thing that has been on my mind is friendships and lots of small things that all intertwine and come back to the topic of friendship. Now don't worry, I will not actually name anyone because that's not how I roll but let's give it a crack ayeeeee.

So about a week ago someone said to me something along the lines of 'Your friends are so seedy and weird" or some bullshit like that, which actually made me quite angry because the person doesn't really know my friends at all and it lead to me writing a nice little Facebook status about all of my friends. You see the thing is, I don't deny the fact that my mates are weird fucks, but I'm also a bit of a weird fuck, even though I'd assume I'm into normal shit as well. However, that's not the thing that bothers me. The thing that ultimately bothers me is the fact that I've been told the same thing numerous times ever since I began high school by multiple sources and the shit is starting to get a bit old. I choose who my friends are based upon whether we have similar interests and whether I believe deep down that the person is a good-hearted individual and has the potential to not only be a great person, but a great friend to me as well. Appearance for me has never mattered. I wake up daily and don't really give a fuck about what clothes are on my back, what car I drive, what my house looks like, because I just don't give a fuck about how people perceive me. Actually let me rephrase,
I don't give a fuck about how people perceive me; except for those I consider important in my life. How does this apply to friendship? Well it's simple really, I don't particularly care what people think of my friends and whether they 'approve' of my friends' "appearance". I'm always going to defend the mates that I have because I value them a lot, which sadly a lot of humans don't know how to do; value their friendships. Now by all means I'm not perfect, I've made mistakes before both in my personal life and with regards to my friendships, but I think I've learned a lot over the course of my teenage life and can say that I believe I am now a good friend to everyone that truly deserves my friendship. 

Another thing that really annoys me is when people give up on friendships so easily. I have literally had a blew of some sort with every single friend that I currently have today, but that doesn't mean I just gave up on any of them because it's "hard" or "they don't do anything for me". Friendship is a two-way street, just because someone may not do a whole lot for me doesn't mean I don't a fair bit for them and therefore I value that friendship. I just think that some people (some friends included in this list) cut people off way too often because it's "too hard" or "doesn't benefit them". Doesn't benefit them? Really? Are we as humans so selfish and self absorbed that just because a person doesn't do much for them that we can't externally see that perhaps we as individuals do something for them? Perhaps we're a benefit of theirs even if they aren't for us? If everyone had that piss-poor, self absorbed attitude, then we wouldn't have gotten really far as a human race up until the present and would probably all despise each other!

As I said, I have had some kind of argument or fight with every single person I consider a friend today, but I haven't cut them out of my life for one simple reason; I care. I've had friends who I have had to take a step back from and say wait a second, you're being a fucking douche change your attitude! However I haven't completely deserted them because I know they're good people. I have also had a friend who I wasn't friends with for a year and a half and we reconnected and are now great friends again (even though sometimes I feel he/she is a bit pessimistic and is probably reading this right now, to which I say eat a dick because it's true, stop focussing on things you can't control and focus on the things you can). I have a mate who moved away who calls me almost daily which puts a smile on my face because I know he misses home and cares, I also have another mate who moved away and for a while I was being an absolute dickhead too but we are finally starting to reconnect again and I have a friend who I didn't speak to for nearly 2 years and we (up until recently) reconnected until they, in my opinion, decided to cut me off for selfish reasons (read above, "doesn't benefit them"). However I am proud to call my mates my mates and not only am I stoked with the new and old friends I have, but am happy with the people in my life I consider 'acquaintances' as well. I feel there are a few friends/acquaintances that I have that will only talk to me when I talk to them and some whom blame me for a deteriorating friendship (once again, read above "Friendship is a two-way street) but ultimately I'm happy, I just hope I'm a good friend to my friends! Because if I'm not I'll go out the back and smack my head against a brick wall for a few hours (compliment me guyzzzzzzz I NEED ATTENTIONNNNNNNNN).

So yeah, short and sweet, a bit all over the place. That's my blog for ya!
Keep it real yo
Wu-Tang Clan ain't nuffin ta fuk wit

Stephanie Danielle Johansson

Monday, April 1, 2013


Decided to update! Few topics, let us jump straight in (like Meade does with fat slutes).

So my 21st was just recently and I had such a great night, it's the first time I've had all of my friends and family together in one location so I must say it was pretty sweet! Good to see my younger cousins and all that getting involved with my mates and stuff too, also really good to see people put their differences aside for the night and have fun! I was a bit disappointed that I didn't get to go around and talk to everyone for a while but that stuff always happens at birthdays if it's your own; so I'm sorry but I couldn't do much else! Also feel kinda bad for the people who I didn't get to invite, but you don't want my mother raging under any circumstance so yeah! A group of friends put together to get me a new Samsung Galaxy III 4G phone which is sick (considering I was rocking brick phones for so many years!) and I'm stoked they went to that effort! Also stoked out on the whole costume idea, it was a late idea and people went to crazy depths to pull off some outstanding looking costumes! Some made me laugh, others made me smile and some I was in pure awe of. But yeah, successful night, along with the special interviews we did (coming soon) and I'm glad everyone showed up, as I've said previously the presents were awesome but what's more important is that people showed up and had a positive attitude. Love you all (yes, in a completely homosexual way, oh how hell awaits the...)

So we're into about our 12th week of the podcast (CNTS: Cudgee News Talk Show) and we've had plenty of special guests so far and some crazy fun challenge but I have a feeling it's just going to keep on getting better and better. Some people don't like the idea, some think it's a waste of time; but I am not concerned. I love being able to say shit yeah it's Wednesday night time to talk shit and have fun with my friends! We've got some mad updates coming really soon, some crazier ideas than we've ever had before and we want people to approach us and give us ideas and hopefully listen to the show! So if you haven't heard it, add us on Facebook or type in 'CNTS Episode 1' into Youtube and go from there, might not be your cup of tea but what's the harm in chucking a listen.

I have decided to cut back on my alcohol intake for a few reasons, firstly for health benefits, I'm currently trying to lose some fat and gain muscle (because I have put on so much weight since high school I'm a fat shit now) and alcohol will only inhabit my chances of doing so. Secondly I'm trying to base my decisions in life around logic, reason and my own personal faith in things; essentially alcohol does not allow you to make intelligent decisions. Thirdly I'm over the culture, I'm over people thinking it's ok to go and get fucked up each weekend and that's what life is all about. I see life as an adventure in which I want to make memories that I want to REMEMBER. Fucking sluts and making money means nothing, absolutely nothing it is nothing but hollow bullshit that people push across. Go and read more books, draw, travel, study and most importantly fucking think for yourself. Don't allow substances to control you. Now this is where I use my epic English skillz to transition into talking about cannabis (BY LITERALLY NAMING WHAT I'M GOING TO DO). OK so I just want to say something to all those people out there that think Cannabis is bad; do your own research. Don't listen to what you've been TOLD, don't listen to what you think could maybe be right, go out and research and you'll open your eyes. If you go and do this and still think negatively about that it's fine, I just find it a bit odd that people have negative opinions about things they know literally nothing about themselves, but I guess we have all fallen into that category in stages of our lives. So many misconceptions pushed across..... when realistically Cannabis will never kill you. Yet cigarettes and alcohol kill millions per year. It's just right there, the information is right in front of you.

TV Shows:
Gotta start watching Justified and Friday Night Lights, gotta finish watching The Walking Dead and start watching Thrones. LOOOOOOOOOSE


Don't really know what other words to use to start this one or to sum it up but here goes ha! I won't name any names on this blog because I think it's not my place but I just wanted to write down some stuff about particular people. So recently over the past couple of weeks I was able to get on a 'neutral' state with someone who for a very long time I thought hated me, I was able to contact said person and apologised for my previous mistakes and all that jazz and it was accepted. After a short conversation there was no hatred, it truly was an amazing experience to be a part of and I'm extremely grateful. Since that date I have probably said a few things I shouldn't have, but the important thing is to learn from your mistakes and constantly better yourself as a person (well that's my belief anyway). I hope we can get back to a neutral state or perhaps one day a different state, who says I'm not allowed to dream! So anyway that person also gave me the hint that I should try to reconnect with another past friend of mine, to which I was also able to do. I guess over the past year I have really had to discover myself and who I am and I had to step back from many friendships, I'm trying to bridge that distance back again and I promised myself that I would never allow a good friendship to die. If you get given another chance you'd wanna bloody well make up for it! Hence why I have given out chances to particular friends who I feel can grow and develop into wonderful friends and I have also been given chances! I'm definitely at the right place in life now, I'm still trying to better myself daily and that but I definitely can say that for the first time in my life I'm always looking to put others ahead of myself (unless in an intoxicated state, alcohol really is poison). Thank-you to the person that gave me the opportunity to be at a neutral state and thank-you for not hating me (although I may have fucked that up, I hope not). Thank=you to the old friend of mine for understanding what I had to go through to become who I am today, I'll do everything in my power to ensure it doesn't happen again. Thank-you to the friend who took my advice on becoming a more positive person, it's going to be a hard ride but trust me you'll get through it and develop into an incredible person. Also thank-you to my bb for writing a blog piece about me, an entire piece about me I feel privileged to not only know you but be a part of your life.

I'm sorry I didn't write more, but Thrones and Walking Dead awaits me! Till next time,
Stephanie Danielle Johansson


Monday, January 14, 2013

Keep your mind open.

So it has been a while since I have done a blog piece so I decided to do one! Just recently I had a very stimulating conversation with others on the topic of Christianity and God. I know I mention Religion alot, both on Facebook and I have mentioned it a fair few times on this blog so HOPEFULLY this will be the last time I mention it on here (although I probably won't stop mentioning it on Facebook) but today's piece will only be loosely based on religion; it will be based more on other topics that are associated with it. I quite enjoyed the debate, as I'm always up for a stimulating intellectual conversation provided I'm not tired!
I'll split the blog up into different sections to make it easier, might be a bit random but oh well. Basically I'm going to talk about my view on specific things, enjoy!

My view on God and 'faith': OK so first of all, I do not deny the possibility of a higher deity being the creator of the universe; whether that be "God" or whether it was a specific type of energy/anything else. I definitely believe that there was some form of creationist who intelligently designed the universe when it was first 'born' into existence and I think that the universe has some of 'brain' not that different to our own
. I do not disagree with atheism and its practices, nor do I disagree with religion and its practices at their fundamental core (despite hating on Religion for a long time). What irritates me is when a person says that they are 100% conclusive in their belief that a God does or does not exist. How can a human being such as ourselves possess the ability to know the "absolute truth" about a topic such as whether or not there is a God? I was told by a few Christians that it is their 'faith' that allows them to be 100% conclusive; which still seems extremely illogical to me and my entire fibre. HOW can faith be considered fact? I believe that faith in anything is more 'hope' than 'truth' and will probably believe that statement until my last breath. I am fine with people having hope, I myself have hope in many things and if you don't have hope in something then you are probably an extremely pessimistic and negative person with negative thoughts and attitudes (which is once again fine, I would just prefer to personally not be around people like that as they bring you down). But I'm not going to sit around and pretend that faith is fact; I can't.

Sharing opinions vs. forcing opinions:
I enjoy having conversations with someone who has a different view on an opinion than my own, I do not enjoy it however when they're forcing their own opinions without considering my own. That's the beauty of having an open-mind I think, the fact that you can still form your own opinions based off previous knowledge and current research, yet you're completely open to the possibility that you may be wrong or on the right path but just not quite there yet. That's where my main trouble with Christians are, because majority of the conversations I have had with them end up being extremely one-sided. I definitely have my own views and opinions but I will never ever disregard someone else's opinion as 'wrong' or 'unjustified'; something that some Christians are masters of. I did highlight the word 'some' for a reason, it would be a massive stereotype to say 'all' or even 'most' because I don't know that, there are some really good Christian people out there who enjoy having a philosophical debate and will consider my side of the story, something I very much respect in a person.

Positive and Negative energy: "If you have a positive mind-frame towards everything in life, the environment around you will change accordingly". That short quote pretty much sums up the way I feel about this topic perfectly. Think about it this way, have you ever had a day where you wake up in a terrible mood and no matter what happens during that day (if you continually have a negative frame of mind) then nothing good will happen? Or have you ever had a day where you wake up excited for the challenges of the day ahead (positive frame of mind) and that day seems like a great day and you do things you've always wanted to; you've 'knocked the ball out of the park' per se? I know that there are some days where you literally just hate the world, I have hated people at some stages of my life that I have compared human beings to a 'disease'. I can tell you right now that those days were dark and miserable, very lonely. On positive days I feel like I can achieve anything and on those days I get out there and I do as much as possible. Maybe there is a real truth behind the quote...

The "afterlife": This is a tricky topic because I am not solid on my own personal view of what I believe happens in the afterlife; but I do believe in it. You see the thing that I've found is that religious people are so hung up on the afterlife and how good it is going to be, whereas atheists don't believe in the afterlife and prefer to get hung up on the now. Who's right and who's wrong? I don't know. Personally I think they're both wrong and right with regards to specific aspects. I definitely believe that 'the journey' aka our life on this Earth, right now, is extremely important in determining our own afterlives. So I guess that sentence essentially means I agree with atheism with regards to living each day like it's your last, but I do agree with religious people that believe in some form of afterlife. I'll even add my own mix in there, I think that it is extremely important to have a good moral compass and be a good person in this short life that we know. 

I will try to explain what my own personal view of the afterlife is. So basically it all has to do with a little drug called "Dimethyltryptamine" or DMT. Simply put, DMT is a natural drug that is released from the pineal gland within our brains in large portions every night when we are asleep. The interesting thing that I have found is that when human beings are extremely close to death their brains explode with DMT (their is scientific evidence, read up for yourself) and the drug is said to psychedelically produce energy and 'spiritual interactions' with higher beings in a different dimension. 

It is extremely possible that with the release of this DMT our physical bodies are dying or dead but our 'spirits' could be sent into an eternal trance (also known as 'the afterlife) or an infinite dream. There is evidence to suggest that this is true, "The Light" has been described by many individuals who have had near death experiences as well as those who have smoked DMT recreationally, there is some form of correlation between the two. As for people who have actually smoked DMT (which is the most powerful psychedelic known to man by the way), a lot of them have stated that they seen extremely complex geographic patterns or sequences, have seen higher 'deities' (i.e "god", "aliens", "extra terrestrials") and almost all of them have said that they have felt 'reborn' and do not fear death nor do they want to waste any days that they have left on Earth.

Along with this, there is every chance that our own subconscious will facilitate and provide a 'heaven' or 'hell' based on the type of thoughts that we had as a human being. Essentially it means that if you were a good individual with positive thoughts, your afterlife will be an eternal dream of bliss (heaven), but if you were a bad person with negative thoughts then your afterlife will be the opposite (hell). It has been recorded that there is still a decent 5-10 minutes of time where brain activity still occurs after death; perhaps our mind goes into a timelessness state with a spiritual experience attached?

My view on society: OK lets face it, we as human beings are are a terrible race. Look around you, corruption, poverty, famine, lies, abuse, the list goes on... There are some of us that try to change that (to which I have the utmost respect for) and try to change the way that the human race thinks. My view is that we are too individual; there's too much 'me' and not enough 'us'. "We are one world, one mind, one heart. We are all this together, we breathe the same air we live on the same planet. You are the universe". That is the perfect quote to sum up my view on what society should be but isn't (thanks Adrian Fitipaldes). Despite how terrible some of society is today, we can make a change, but it does start at the individual level. Some days I do fall into that hole of 'hating everyone' but look at what the news spurts out each night at 6. Do they EVER talk about anything positive? No. It's always some crap about terrorists or a bad economy or talking negatively about somebody. It's pathetic.

There's a few more topics I could probably cover, my view on money, sex in today's society, friendship (to name a few) but I cannot be fucked, might leave them for another day. Or just sum it up now, money is one of the more purest form of evil, sex isn't something you do with someone you love any more and has lost all meaning as girls these days only want dick and guys only want pussy, friendship is awesome when you have a good group of positive friends at your disposal; hang onto that shit. And that's all from me folks, enjoy your day/night and please refrain from looking up my pictures on Facebook and masturbating furiously over the image of me naked in the shower.

I joke, go for it.

Stephanie Danielle Johansson. xo 

p.s here is a couple videos on DMT and one of Northlane live where Adrian says his magnificent quote (or part of it). I may have added on the "you are the universe" part at the end because I'm brilliant.
Joe Rogan on DMT

                                                        DMT VIDEO

                                      Northlane "Dispossession"

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Family. Friends.

So yeah, the above quote has nothing to do with this piece, I'm just loose and think the quote is amazing! :) :) :)

So I thought since it has been a while since I have done a blog post, I'd do one today, because today represents a pretty significant time in my families history I guess you could say, plus I was thinking about this shit today so thought I'd blurt it into words. So here it is!

So basically today is my Nans birthday and she only recently passed away, it's also the day that my uncle Pete passed away and my great grandma Nancy died who I was pretty close with as a child, also pretty lucky to even know a great grandmother! I thought today would be quite hard for me, but it actually hasn't been which is good. I think it's because I am at that stage in my life where everything around me is positive, because I've made decisions to be surrounded by decent people and have made positive decisions for myself (well atleast I think I have!). My family is my rock, despite the fact that I argue and carry on with them all the time, I think most people could say the same thing. I guess I just want to be strong for the mother today, considering it was her mothers birthday and brothers deathday (if that's even a word?). The only thing that made me a bit teary today actually was the fact that I picked up my brother from school and told him we're going out for tea, he told me that he knows because it's for Nannies birthday and that she is up in the sky, so I told him that she is up there and she's the brightest star watching down on him; the innocence of a child never creases to amaze me. 

I'm not a religious person (if you didn't know that by now, you'd have to be half brain-dead), but I do definitely believe in some form of afterlife. No, I don't mean re-incarnation or anything like that, but I feel like life is the start of a journey that we take and that death is merely the beginning of another step that we each take towards something better. It's pretty hard to explain what I feel with regards to that, either way it doesn't matter because I honestly believe that I will see these people again some day, I just don't know when or where, that's pretty comforting and not only that, I do honestly believe it.

I was also thinking today about my friends, basically I have a fair few friends, but only a minority of people I can truly trust. That being said, I'd consider my friends to basically be in three different groups, who occasionally coincide with one another. The best decision I've made with regards to friends is my newest group of friends, basically a bunch of 4 other blokes who can make me laugh without fail and seem extremely loyal and mature to me, plus we have a shitload in common.

I've been asked a few times why I'm friends with certain people, to which I answer it as simply as 'because I want to be'. I'm not going to deny the fact that some friends have shit-bloked me on one or more occasion  as I've probably done to them before in the past, but I can say that I am a loyal person and that I'm here for them in whatever way they need. I try to be the best person that I can be day in day out, whether they want to try and live up to their potential is up to them I guess. That being said, if I do get shit-bloked enough by anyone I'm not going to be sticking around and wanting to hang around with you any more  take that as a warning! Because clearly everyone wants to be around me, I'm the greatest.... OCK

And on that note, I finish this piece up. I'll try to start writing some more pieces in the near future, I just honestly forget that I have this blog half the time! Once again, could have elaborated on this piece more, but need to shower, change and go out for tea to commemorate three very special people that were a part of my life and helped shaped who I am today. Peace!

Think freely.

Stephanie Danielle Johansson

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Ermertal Terknerrk & Sernddwerveee!

Ermahgerd I'm bored so I'm going to do a blog piece on two things, Immortal Technique (rapper) and Soundwave 2013 (Australian heavy music festival).

Immortal Technique
So I've always kind of enjoyed hip hop and rap music since I was a young teenager, but I was never really into the typical bullshit that you hear on the radio I preferred old school stuff like N.W.A and Wu-Tang Clan and I always enjoyed Xzibit as well, that's practically as far as my taste went though up until a month or so ago! Immortal Technique is the most revolutionary rapper to have ever existed in my opinion (some would argue perhaps N.W.A or 2pac or biggie smalls, I disagree). I'm quite disappointed that it took me so long to hear of this rapper considering his first album was out in 2001, but at the same time I'm very grateful that I've been able to hear his music in my lifetime. There are multiple things that set this guy apart from the rest of the crowd, of which include

Lyrical Content

Sometimes I listen to an Immortal Technique song and I literally get tingles up my spine and in some cases I have to sit back and just realise that this bloke is one intelligent motherfucker! His lyrics are not only true in my opinion, but he is not afraid of anything and covers topics from assassinations on certain people in history (JFK, Yitzhak Rabin, Anwar Sadat), 9/11 and the lies that the American government have spread, his home country of Peru, poverty, class struggle, religion and inequality amongst many other things. His latest album 'The Martyr' is proof that Immortal Technique would die for his cause, he truly believes in every word he says, which is a rare thing in today's world. My favourite lyrics revolve around the 1% of the worlds richest people, check the song at the bottom if you really want to get to know WHY this guy is so incredible!


Immortal Technique is not signed to any big name label such as Sony or Def Jam which is amazing considering he has sold roughly 200,000 copies of his three releases thus far. He isn't in it for the money, but rather to spread a positive message laced with truth. In fact he actually disses major recording labels in a few of his songs, for example "You think rappers are rich 'cause of songs you heard? My labels make the money and haven't rapped a fucking word."

Not only are his songs layered out in an intelligent way with genius-like lyrics, he is an extremely talented and intelligence individual. I've seen interviews with Immortal in them and he has absolutely owned in political debates and knows his shit. The man backs up his words with actions also, as he spent $60,000 to establish a home for children in Afghanistan, all self funded money.

Anyways check out Immortal Technique's stuff! His best songs in my opinion are 'Dance with the devil', 'The Martyr' and definitely 'Rich man's world (1%)'. DO IT! ASAP. And stop listening to fuckwit rappers on the radio that rap about cars, bitches and money and have no range ;)

Soundwave 2013

So pre-sale tickets go on sale this Friday and I have decided that I am DEFINITELY going to Soundwave next year, would love to make a sick weekend out of it as well! This will be the 5th Soundwave that I have been to (went in 08', 09', 11' and 12') and I'm ridiculously keen to be able to spend the day with my friends seeing some of the best bands the planet has to offer! So there has only been one announcement so far, I'm hoping the second announcement contains some of the following bands: Killswitch Engage, Stick To Your Guns, I Killed The Prom Queen, The Ghost Inside, Slayer, Heaven Shall Burn, Tenacious D (so much fucking win!). As for the bands that have been announced so far the bands that I will definitely be seeing are:


Obvious fucking choice I mean it's METALLICA. I've always loved this band since I was a kid and they are one band I definitely need to see before I die! Everyone on the planet has atleast one Metallica song that they like, and despite the fact that YES their older catalogue is amazing and the newer stuff is average, it's Metallica so shut the fuck up! Although Lars you're a fucking mong.

Linkin Park

Always loved their older stuff! Hybrid Theory and Meteora are awesome albums! Don't particularly enjoy their new stuff, but if I hear 'numb', 'breaking the habit' and 'the end' I'll die a very happy man.

The Offspring
Missed out on these motherfuckers in 2008 because Killswitch were on at the same time, hopefully they don't clash with anyone because I'd really love to be able to say that I've seen The Offspring live!

Stone Sour
Seen them before at Soundwave, a MUST next year because they were so good last time. Corey Taylor is one of the best frontmen in the business in my opinion and controls the stage like a lion stalking a wilderbeast.  A definite for next year again, hopefully Corey has the balls to play 'through glass' on the acoustic guitar again.

One of the 'big four' bands, haven't really listened to them much, but I should start listening to them soon, would love to be able to catch them as I've heard some of their stuff and it is great!

Sum 41
Missed the fuckers last year when they pulled out, or maybe it was the year before I forget now. Anyways who the fuck wouldn't want to see Sum 41?! AMERICAN PIE SONGS HELLO! One of my favourite punk bands, better than blink 182 eat a dick.

Chris Jericho's band. Enough fucking said really.

Despite not listening to these guys much, friends will want to see them and I'm sure I can sit back and listen to some of the best guitar work in the world!

Miss May I
Seen these guys before, completely blew my mind didn't expect much and got plenty! Will watch if there is no clash

While She Sleeps
New album is ridic good, old stuff was ridic good in my opinion. Seen them just recently, would love to see them on a big stage where they would be more appreciated by the crowd.

Six Feet Under
Good solid metal band, will watch them if they don't clash with anything else. 

So that's my piece for the night!
Stay beautiful
Stephanie Danielle Johansson xo


Sunday, July 22, 2012


Decided to do a piece on my generation and today's youth (essentially just people around my age and younger). Going to write a bit about what I think today's youth represents, what they do wrong and right, what can be fixed and just some general observations I've been able to make. Enjoy!

The one thing that our generation needs to severely work on is our respect levels. Take the dead whale at Warrnambool as an example, surfing on it is not a cool thing to do, you sir are a fuckhead and I hope that you all get fined for being inconsiderate dbags. Today's youth for some reason think it is 'cool' to wreck things such as war memorials etc. and it is honestly just bullshit. I know there is always going to be that old bat that comes up to you and says "I'm ashamed of you young kids today" or something along those lines, and yeah it pisses you off because you're like wtf did I do?! But at the same time look at it from their perspective, kids these days don't have any respect and they need a fucking kick up the ass or a brick to the face to teach them a lesson! Zero respect for the dead, for animals, for war veterans and for fellow human beings.

I completely understand the hatred thing, I mean look around and see the shit that goes down every day around the world and you're left wondering what the fuck is going wrong with the world today. But at the same time, it really isn't humanities fault as a whole, but rather the conditioning that has been unfairly placed upon us since birth amongst other things. I cannot agree with people when they say "fuck humanity", I mean yes I'm not going to deny that there are a LOT of fuckwits out there, especially in developed countries such as Australia, The US and the UK (to use a few examples), but I highly doubt that you're going to go up to a starving child in an extremely poor country and say "you're what's wrong with the world; fuck humanity". Just have a think about that one haters, the world is a very large place, I think it's time you stopped blaming humanity for your own problems...

I have previously stated that Religion is the biggest tool of segregation in modern society and I stand by that statement, but Facebook is by far the biggest tool of segregation technology-wise in my opinion. Facebook should realistically be used as a communication tool to be used with fellow 'friends' and family (there is a fucking good reason that I put friends in inverted commas). But when it comes down to it think of all the bullshit associated on Facebook involving the youth of today. You log on and you instantly see someone whinging, or trying to fight someone and being a keyboard warrior, or you see relationships literally breaking down right in front of your eyes. When it comes down to it I honestly believe that Facebook is being used for the wrong reasons by today's youth, unfortunately that isn't going to change. I mean fuck I have literally had someone say to me "Oh my god I can't believe you only got 3 likes on that status"... LIKE I ACTUALLY GIVE A FUCK HOW MANY LIKES I GET YOU MONG CUNT. It's so sad to see people trying to use Facebook to gain popularity or to show off their tits (OK sometimes that isn't sad, well for them maybe it's good for every bloke in a 10 mile radius if they are fit). I say we bring back a fucking Myspace revolution! I'd much rather segregate my friends in a "top friends" column, it seems so much fairer...

Granted, I have only been out to the pubs/clubs in Warrnambool, once in Ballarat and once in Melbourne (sober) so I can't really say too much about this topic but I will anyway like a loose unit. Going out is a ritual for majority of the population I reckon. Some girls like to put on their make-up, wear very short skirts and take home some 'hawtt as metro' to fuck for the night. Some bloke likes to wear their v-neck shirts to show off their fully sick tattoos and bed some blonde bitch who can barely even walk. Some guys go out with their chests puffed (yes I'm looking at you Warrnambool) purposely looking for a fight, nice one wankers. The list really could go on forever! I honestly can say that I've never had a totally enjoyable night out in Warrnambool from start to finish, something seems to always go wrong. Too many people have the attitude to just go out and try fuck anything with a heartbeat, rather than go out to have fun with your mates, which is honestly so much better. Ah youth, you've outdone yourself once again.

This is probably going to piss some people off (if anyone actually reads this super awesome blog), but I really don't care. I'm so fucking sick of hearing cunts go on about their tattoos. What is with youngens today saying "so keen to get more ink", why do people persists on saying INK?! Frustration overload! Another thing that is really annoying is when people purposely show off their tattoos either by uploading pics to Facebook with the tattoo showing clearly, or by going out with short sleaved clothes or a tank top on purpose, thank is just major faggotry in my opinion. This is a frustrating topic because I truly do enjoy tattoos and love the look of them, some of my friends have really cool looking tattoos, I enjoy the look of mine as well but there's no need to go on and fucking on about it! I think people just need to stop trying to impress others and start being themselves.

I think today's teenagers are extremely one dimensional beings, lacking depth and contrast to their character and personality. That might be hard to swallow for a few people, but its the truth! There are no goals set by today's youth for the future, all they want to do is get drunk every weekend and tag shit which is just so poor. So many people are fake too, rather than showing that you are a caring person or showing your true colours people would prefer to be popular or liked for a short-term gain. To anyone that isn't themselves day in day out, fuck you.

This is a tough one, because every human around the world obviously follows some kind of trend. But seriously stop with the SHIT trends please, stop being a 'belieber', stop saying the word 'swag' and stop saying 'like for a' on Facebook, because I asked you to stop and I know Jesus Christ in the flesh so you'd want to fucking stop or I'm going to get Satan Clause to FIGJAM you and not bring you any presents at Christmas time you little shits.

Can't really think of anything else, this was off the top of my head mind you I'm like Albert Einstein motherfuckers! I'm sure there is more shit that is caused by today's youth. Even though this has been a prettttttttty negative piece, there is still very much hope alive in this world, we just all need to find it.


"Bring in your squad of soldiers to barricade the door. Afraid of the outcome, afraid of the speakers of love. BREAK DOWN THE DOOR."