Monday, April 1, 2013


Decided to update! Few topics, let us jump straight in (like Meade does with fat slutes).

So my 21st was just recently and I had such a great night, it's the first time I've had all of my friends and family together in one location so I must say it was pretty sweet! Good to see my younger cousins and all that getting involved with my mates and stuff too, also really good to see people put their differences aside for the night and have fun! I was a bit disappointed that I didn't get to go around and talk to everyone for a while but that stuff always happens at birthdays if it's your own; so I'm sorry but I couldn't do much else! Also feel kinda bad for the people who I didn't get to invite, but you don't want my mother raging under any circumstance so yeah! A group of friends put together to get me a new Samsung Galaxy III 4G phone which is sick (considering I was rocking brick phones for so many years!) and I'm stoked they went to that effort! Also stoked out on the whole costume idea, it was a late idea and people went to crazy depths to pull off some outstanding looking costumes! Some made me laugh, others made me smile and some I was in pure awe of. But yeah, successful night, along with the special interviews we did (coming soon) and I'm glad everyone showed up, as I've said previously the presents were awesome but what's more important is that people showed up and had a positive attitude. Love you all (yes, in a completely homosexual way, oh how hell awaits the...)

So we're into about our 12th week of the podcast (CNTS: Cudgee News Talk Show) and we've had plenty of special guests so far and some crazy fun challenge but I have a feeling it's just going to keep on getting better and better. Some people don't like the idea, some think it's a waste of time; but I am not concerned. I love being able to say shit yeah it's Wednesday night time to talk shit and have fun with my friends! We've got some mad updates coming really soon, some crazier ideas than we've ever had before and we want people to approach us and give us ideas and hopefully listen to the show! So if you haven't heard it, add us on Facebook or type in 'CNTS Episode 1' into Youtube and go from there, might not be your cup of tea but what's the harm in chucking a listen.

I have decided to cut back on my alcohol intake for a few reasons, firstly for health benefits, I'm currently trying to lose some fat and gain muscle (because I have put on so much weight since high school I'm a fat shit now) and alcohol will only inhabit my chances of doing so. Secondly I'm trying to base my decisions in life around logic, reason and my own personal faith in things; essentially alcohol does not allow you to make intelligent decisions. Thirdly I'm over the culture, I'm over people thinking it's ok to go and get fucked up each weekend and that's what life is all about. I see life as an adventure in which I want to make memories that I want to REMEMBER. Fucking sluts and making money means nothing, absolutely nothing it is nothing but hollow bullshit that people push across. Go and read more books, draw, travel, study and most importantly fucking think for yourself. Don't allow substances to control you. Now this is where I use my epic English skillz to transition into talking about cannabis (BY LITERALLY NAMING WHAT I'M GOING TO DO). OK so I just want to say something to all those people out there that think Cannabis is bad; do your own research. Don't listen to what you've been TOLD, don't listen to what you think could maybe be right, go out and research and you'll open your eyes. If you go and do this and still think negatively about that it's fine, I just find it a bit odd that people have negative opinions about things they know literally nothing about themselves, but I guess we have all fallen into that category in stages of our lives. So many misconceptions pushed across..... when realistically Cannabis will never kill you. Yet cigarettes and alcohol kill millions per year. It's just right there, the information is right in front of you.

TV Shows:
Gotta start watching Justified and Friday Night Lights, gotta finish watching The Walking Dead and start watching Thrones. LOOOOOOOOOSE


Don't really know what other words to use to start this one or to sum it up but here goes ha! I won't name any names on this blog because I think it's not my place but I just wanted to write down some stuff about particular people. So recently over the past couple of weeks I was able to get on a 'neutral' state with someone who for a very long time I thought hated me, I was able to contact said person and apologised for my previous mistakes and all that jazz and it was accepted. After a short conversation there was no hatred, it truly was an amazing experience to be a part of and I'm extremely grateful. Since that date I have probably said a few things I shouldn't have, but the important thing is to learn from your mistakes and constantly better yourself as a person (well that's my belief anyway). I hope we can get back to a neutral state or perhaps one day a different state, who says I'm not allowed to dream! So anyway that person also gave me the hint that I should try to reconnect with another past friend of mine, to which I was also able to do. I guess over the past year I have really had to discover myself and who I am and I had to step back from many friendships, I'm trying to bridge that distance back again and I promised myself that I would never allow a good friendship to die. If you get given another chance you'd wanna bloody well make up for it! Hence why I have given out chances to particular friends who I feel can grow and develop into wonderful friends and I have also been given chances! I'm definitely at the right place in life now, I'm still trying to better myself daily and that but I definitely can say that for the first time in my life I'm always looking to put others ahead of myself (unless in an intoxicated state, alcohol really is poison). Thank-you to the person that gave me the opportunity to be at a neutral state and thank-you for not hating me (although I may have fucked that up, I hope not). Thank=you to the old friend of mine for understanding what I had to go through to become who I am today, I'll do everything in my power to ensure it doesn't happen again. Thank-you to the friend who took my advice on becoming a more positive person, it's going to be a hard ride but trust me you'll get through it and develop into an incredible person. Also thank-you to my bb for writing a blog piece about me, an entire piece about me I feel privileged to not only know you but be a part of your life.

I'm sorry I didn't write more, but Thrones and Walking Dead awaits me! Till next time,
Stephanie Danielle Johansson


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