Sunday, July 22, 2012


Decided to do a piece on my generation and today's youth (essentially just people around my age and younger). Going to write a bit about what I think today's youth represents, what they do wrong and right, what can be fixed and just some general observations I've been able to make. Enjoy!

The one thing that our generation needs to severely work on is our respect levels. Take the dead whale at Warrnambool as an example, surfing on it is not a cool thing to do, you sir are a fuckhead and I hope that you all get fined for being inconsiderate dbags. Today's youth for some reason think it is 'cool' to wreck things such as war memorials etc. and it is honestly just bullshit. I know there is always going to be that old bat that comes up to you and says "I'm ashamed of you young kids today" or something along those lines, and yeah it pisses you off because you're like wtf did I do?! But at the same time look at it from their perspective, kids these days don't have any respect and they need a fucking kick up the ass or a brick to the face to teach them a lesson! Zero respect for the dead, for animals, for war veterans and for fellow human beings.

I completely understand the hatred thing, I mean look around and see the shit that goes down every day around the world and you're left wondering what the fuck is going wrong with the world today. But at the same time, it really isn't humanities fault as a whole, but rather the conditioning that has been unfairly placed upon us since birth amongst other things. I cannot agree with people when they say "fuck humanity", I mean yes I'm not going to deny that there are a LOT of fuckwits out there, especially in developed countries such as Australia, The US and the UK (to use a few examples), but I highly doubt that you're going to go up to a starving child in an extremely poor country and say "you're what's wrong with the world; fuck humanity". Just have a think about that one haters, the world is a very large place, I think it's time you stopped blaming humanity for your own problems...

I have previously stated that Religion is the biggest tool of segregation in modern society and I stand by that statement, but Facebook is by far the biggest tool of segregation technology-wise in my opinion. Facebook should realistically be used as a communication tool to be used with fellow 'friends' and family (there is a fucking good reason that I put friends in inverted commas). But when it comes down to it think of all the bullshit associated on Facebook involving the youth of today. You log on and you instantly see someone whinging, or trying to fight someone and being a keyboard warrior, or you see relationships literally breaking down right in front of your eyes. When it comes down to it I honestly believe that Facebook is being used for the wrong reasons by today's youth, unfortunately that isn't going to change. I mean fuck I have literally had someone say to me "Oh my god I can't believe you only got 3 likes on that status"... LIKE I ACTUALLY GIVE A FUCK HOW MANY LIKES I GET YOU MONG CUNT. It's so sad to see people trying to use Facebook to gain popularity or to show off their tits (OK sometimes that isn't sad, well for them maybe it's good for every bloke in a 10 mile radius if they are fit). I say we bring back a fucking Myspace revolution! I'd much rather segregate my friends in a "top friends" column, it seems so much fairer...

Granted, I have only been out to the pubs/clubs in Warrnambool, once in Ballarat and once in Melbourne (sober) so I can't really say too much about this topic but I will anyway like a loose unit. Going out is a ritual for majority of the population I reckon. Some girls like to put on their make-up, wear very short skirts and take home some 'hawtt as metro' to fuck for the night. Some bloke likes to wear their v-neck shirts to show off their fully sick tattoos and bed some blonde bitch who can barely even walk. Some guys go out with their chests puffed (yes I'm looking at you Warrnambool) purposely looking for a fight, nice one wankers. The list really could go on forever! I honestly can say that I've never had a totally enjoyable night out in Warrnambool from start to finish, something seems to always go wrong. Too many people have the attitude to just go out and try fuck anything with a heartbeat, rather than go out to have fun with your mates, which is honestly so much better. Ah youth, you've outdone yourself once again.

This is probably going to piss some people off (if anyone actually reads this super awesome blog), but I really don't care. I'm so fucking sick of hearing cunts go on about their tattoos. What is with youngens today saying "so keen to get more ink", why do people persists on saying INK?! Frustration overload! Another thing that is really annoying is when people purposely show off their tattoos either by uploading pics to Facebook with the tattoo showing clearly, or by going out with short sleaved clothes or a tank top on purpose, thank is just major faggotry in my opinion. This is a frustrating topic because I truly do enjoy tattoos and love the look of them, some of my friends have really cool looking tattoos, I enjoy the look of mine as well but there's no need to go on and fucking on about it! I think people just need to stop trying to impress others and start being themselves.

I think today's teenagers are extremely one dimensional beings, lacking depth and contrast to their character and personality. That might be hard to swallow for a few people, but its the truth! There are no goals set by today's youth for the future, all they want to do is get drunk every weekend and tag shit which is just so poor. So many people are fake too, rather than showing that you are a caring person or showing your true colours people would prefer to be popular or liked for a short-term gain. To anyone that isn't themselves day in day out, fuck you.

This is a tough one, because every human around the world obviously follows some kind of trend. But seriously stop with the SHIT trends please, stop being a 'belieber', stop saying the word 'swag' and stop saying 'like for a' on Facebook, because I asked you to stop and I know Jesus Christ in the flesh so you'd want to fucking stop or I'm going to get Satan Clause to FIGJAM you and not bring you any presents at Christmas time you little shits.

Can't really think of anything else, this was off the top of my head mind you I'm like Albert Einstein motherfuckers! I'm sure there is more shit that is caused by today's youth. Even though this has been a prettttttttty negative piece, there is still very much hope alive in this world, we just all need to find it.


"Bring in your squad of soldiers to barricade the door. Afraid of the outcome, afraid of the speakers of love. BREAK DOWN THE DOOR."

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