Monday, January 14, 2013

Keep your mind open.

So it has been a while since I have done a blog piece so I decided to do one! Just recently I had a very stimulating conversation with others on the topic of Christianity and God. I know I mention Religion alot, both on Facebook and I have mentioned it a fair few times on this blog so HOPEFULLY this will be the last time I mention it on here (although I probably won't stop mentioning it on Facebook) but today's piece will only be loosely based on religion; it will be based more on other topics that are associated with it. I quite enjoyed the debate, as I'm always up for a stimulating intellectual conversation provided I'm not tired!
I'll split the blog up into different sections to make it easier, might be a bit random but oh well. Basically I'm going to talk about my view on specific things, enjoy!

My view on God and 'faith': OK so first of all, I do not deny the possibility of a higher deity being the creator of the universe; whether that be "God" or whether it was a specific type of energy/anything else. I definitely believe that there was some form of creationist who intelligently designed the universe when it was first 'born' into existence and I think that the universe has some of 'brain' not that different to our own
. I do not disagree with atheism and its practices, nor do I disagree with religion and its practices at their fundamental core (despite hating on Religion for a long time). What irritates me is when a person says that they are 100% conclusive in their belief that a God does or does not exist. How can a human being such as ourselves possess the ability to know the "absolute truth" about a topic such as whether or not there is a God? I was told by a few Christians that it is their 'faith' that allows them to be 100% conclusive; which still seems extremely illogical to me and my entire fibre. HOW can faith be considered fact? I believe that faith in anything is more 'hope' than 'truth' and will probably believe that statement until my last breath. I am fine with people having hope, I myself have hope in many things and if you don't have hope in something then you are probably an extremely pessimistic and negative person with negative thoughts and attitudes (which is once again fine, I would just prefer to personally not be around people like that as they bring you down). But I'm not going to sit around and pretend that faith is fact; I can't.

Sharing opinions vs. forcing opinions:
I enjoy having conversations with someone who has a different view on an opinion than my own, I do not enjoy it however when they're forcing their own opinions without considering my own. That's the beauty of having an open-mind I think, the fact that you can still form your own opinions based off previous knowledge and current research, yet you're completely open to the possibility that you may be wrong or on the right path but just not quite there yet. That's where my main trouble with Christians are, because majority of the conversations I have had with them end up being extremely one-sided. I definitely have my own views and opinions but I will never ever disregard someone else's opinion as 'wrong' or 'unjustified'; something that some Christians are masters of. I did highlight the word 'some' for a reason, it would be a massive stereotype to say 'all' or even 'most' because I don't know that, there are some really good Christian people out there who enjoy having a philosophical debate and will consider my side of the story, something I very much respect in a person.

Positive and Negative energy: "If you have a positive mind-frame towards everything in life, the environment around you will change accordingly". That short quote pretty much sums up the way I feel about this topic perfectly. Think about it this way, have you ever had a day where you wake up in a terrible mood and no matter what happens during that day (if you continually have a negative frame of mind) then nothing good will happen? Or have you ever had a day where you wake up excited for the challenges of the day ahead (positive frame of mind) and that day seems like a great day and you do things you've always wanted to; you've 'knocked the ball out of the park' per se? I know that there are some days where you literally just hate the world, I have hated people at some stages of my life that I have compared human beings to a 'disease'. I can tell you right now that those days were dark and miserable, very lonely. On positive days I feel like I can achieve anything and on those days I get out there and I do as much as possible. Maybe there is a real truth behind the quote...

The "afterlife": This is a tricky topic because I am not solid on my own personal view of what I believe happens in the afterlife; but I do believe in it. You see the thing that I've found is that religious people are so hung up on the afterlife and how good it is going to be, whereas atheists don't believe in the afterlife and prefer to get hung up on the now. Who's right and who's wrong? I don't know. Personally I think they're both wrong and right with regards to specific aspects. I definitely believe that 'the journey' aka our life on this Earth, right now, is extremely important in determining our own afterlives. So I guess that sentence essentially means I agree with atheism with regards to living each day like it's your last, but I do agree with religious people that believe in some form of afterlife. I'll even add my own mix in there, I think that it is extremely important to have a good moral compass and be a good person in this short life that we know. 

I will try to explain what my own personal view of the afterlife is. So basically it all has to do with a little drug called "Dimethyltryptamine" or DMT. Simply put, DMT is a natural drug that is released from the pineal gland within our brains in large portions every night when we are asleep. The interesting thing that I have found is that when human beings are extremely close to death their brains explode with DMT (their is scientific evidence, read up for yourself) and the drug is said to psychedelically produce energy and 'spiritual interactions' with higher beings in a different dimension. 

It is extremely possible that with the release of this DMT our physical bodies are dying or dead but our 'spirits' could be sent into an eternal trance (also known as 'the afterlife) or an infinite dream. There is evidence to suggest that this is true, "The Light" has been described by many individuals who have had near death experiences as well as those who have smoked DMT recreationally, there is some form of correlation between the two. As for people who have actually smoked DMT (which is the most powerful psychedelic known to man by the way), a lot of them have stated that they seen extremely complex geographic patterns or sequences, have seen higher 'deities' (i.e "god", "aliens", "extra terrestrials") and almost all of them have said that they have felt 'reborn' and do not fear death nor do they want to waste any days that they have left on Earth.

Along with this, there is every chance that our own subconscious will facilitate and provide a 'heaven' or 'hell' based on the type of thoughts that we had as a human being. Essentially it means that if you were a good individual with positive thoughts, your afterlife will be an eternal dream of bliss (heaven), but if you were a bad person with negative thoughts then your afterlife will be the opposite (hell). It has been recorded that there is still a decent 5-10 minutes of time where brain activity still occurs after death; perhaps our mind goes into a timelessness state with a spiritual experience attached?

My view on society: OK lets face it, we as human beings are are a terrible race. Look around you, corruption, poverty, famine, lies, abuse, the list goes on... There are some of us that try to change that (to which I have the utmost respect for) and try to change the way that the human race thinks. My view is that we are too individual; there's too much 'me' and not enough 'us'. "We are one world, one mind, one heart. We are all this together, we breathe the same air we live on the same planet. You are the universe". That is the perfect quote to sum up my view on what society should be but isn't (thanks Adrian Fitipaldes). Despite how terrible some of society is today, we can make a change, but it does start at the individual level. Some days I do fall into that hole of 'hating everyone' but look at what the news spurts out each night at 6. Do they EVER talk about anything positive? No. It's always some crap about terrorists or a bad economy or talking negatively about somebody. It's pathetic.

There's a few more topics I could probably cover, my view on money, sex in today's society, friendship (to name a few) but I cannot be fucked, might leave them for another day. Or just sum it up now, money is one of the more purest form of evil, sex isn't something you do with someone you love any more and has lost all meaning as girls these days only want dick and guys only want pussy, friendship is awesome when you have a good group of positive friends at your disposal; hang onto that shit. And that's all from me folks, enjoy your day/night and please refrain from looking up my pictures on Facebook and masturbating furiously over the image of me naked in the shower.

I joke, go for it.

Stephanie Danielle Johansson. xo 

p.s here is a couple videos on DMT and one of Northlane live where Adrian says his magnificent quote (or part of it). I may have added on the "you are the universe" part at the end because I'm brilliant.
Joe Rogan on DMT

                                                        DMT VIDEO

                                      Northlane "Dispossession"

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