Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Family. Friends.

So yeah, the above quote has nothing to do with this piece, I'm just loose and think the quote is amazing! :) :) :)

So I thought since it has been a while since I have done a blog post, I'd do one today, because today represents a pretty significant time in my families history I guess you could say, plus I was thinking about this shit today so thought I'd blurt it into words. So here it is!

So basically today is my Nans birthday and she only recently passed away, it's also the day that my uncle Pete passed away and my great grandma Nancy died who I was pretty close with as a child, also pretty lucky to even know a great grandmother! I thought today would be quite hard for me, but it actually hasn't been which is good. I think it's because I am at that stage in my life where everything around me is positive, because I've made decisions to be surrounded by decent people and have made positive decisions for myself (well atleast I think I have!). My family is my rock, despite the fact that I argue and carry on with them all the time, I think most people could say the same thing. I guess I just want to be strong for the mother today, considering it was her mothers birthday and brothers deathday (if that's even a word?). The only thing that made me a bit teary today actually was the fact that I picked up my brother from school and told him we're going out for tea, he told me that he knows because it's for Nannies birthday and that she is up in the sky, so I told him that she is up there and she's the brightest star watching down on him; the innocence of a child never creases to amaze me. 

I'm not a religious person (if you didn't know that by now, you'd have to be half brain-dead), but I do definitely believe in some form of afterlife. No, I don't mean re-incarnation or anything like that, but I feel like life is the start of a journey that we take and that death is merely the beginning of another step that we each take towards something better. It's pretty hard to explain what I feel with regards to that, either way it doesn't matter because I honestly believe that I will see these people again some day, I just don't know when or where, that's pretty comforting and not only that, I do honestly believe it.

I was also thinking today about my friends, basically I have a fair few friends, but only a minority of people I can truly trust. That being said, I'd consider my friends to basically be in three different groups, who occasionally coincide with one another. The best decision I've made with regards to friends is my newest group of friends, basically a bunch of 4 other blokes who can make me laugh without fail and seem extremely loyal and mature to me, plus we have a shitload in common.

I've been asked a few times why I'm friends with certain people, to which I answer it as simply as 'because I want to be'. I'm not going to deny the fact that some friends have shit-bloked me on one or more occasion  as I've probably done to them before in the past, but I can say that I am a loyal person and that I'm here for them in whatever way they need. I try to be the best person that I can be day in day out, whether they want to try and live up to their potential is up to them I guess. That being said, if I do get shit-bloked enough by anyone I'm not going to be sticking around and wanting to hang around with you any more  take that as a warning! Because clearly everyone wants to be around me, I'm the greatest.... OCK

And on that note, I finish this piece up. I'll try to start writing some more pieces in the near future, I just honestly forget that I have this blog half the time! Once again, could have elaborated on this piece more, but need to shower, change and go out for tea to commemorate three very special people that were a part of my life and helped shaped who I am today. Peace!

Think freely.

Stephanie Danielle Johansson

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