Sunday, July 15, 2012


If you had have talked to me a year ago I would have told you that change is inevitable and negative; move forward 12 months and my opinion has changed on the latter. Yes, people change and that is inevitable, but I feel as though personally I have changed for the better, or in a ‘positive’ light. Over the past few years I still have my same core values and sense of humour but other things have changed. I thought I’d do a small piece on this because it is on my mind at the present time, it shall only be very short though because I have important uni work to attend to… hahahahaha  :)

Friends: One thing that has changed for me in the past few years at an integral but minute level is my friendships. Over the past few years I have lost one really decent friend, but in that process gained a few really decent ones. I feel so much more positive about life now knowing that the true friends I have around me are people that are going to stick by me through important aspects of life. In the past I have had average friends who have honestly pissed me off a lot of times (they shall remain nameless, I won’t tell you who they are either) and have betrayed my trust, but now I know the people around me are genuine. I am the kind of person who would much rather have a small group of close friends and some acquaintances than a person who has 13489238 fucking Facebook friends and is ‘popular’. I like flying under the radar, I enjoy not being known by everyone in Warrnambool, because that way I know if someone approaches me or makes an attempt at friendship then they are decent people. Now that I think about it, I do actually have a lot of friends that are in different friendship groups and I must say that is also refreshing to know. In the end I’m so much happier having people around me that genuinely enjoy my company, as I enjoy theirs, rather than worrying about whether they are a true friend or not.

The one thing that I am lucky enough to have is friends that have the same common interests and beliefs as me. It’s so great knowing that I have friends that I can talk to about stuff like the new world order, astral projection, government, sport, video games, babez. I love all of you in a totally heterosexual way, sometimes homosexual if I’m in the mood to be crazy loose hahaha

Life perspective: Another thing that has changed for me personally is my perspective on life to a certain degree. I used to be the kind of person that planned everything, wanted to have materialistic advantages such as a nice car, nice house etc but now I am just happy to be living and breathing each day on this Earth and have a clearer perspective of what I want to achieve. So many people work their entire lives, have children, have a nice house and so on but they feel empty inside; some would claim that religion fills this hole but that seems quite illogical to me. I think that hole can be filled by experiencing the world by doing things that you normally wouldn’t do, or knowing that you may not do again. Such things include travel (as you may not travel again to that particular destination), experiencing different things on both a physical and spiritual level and having a positive frame of mind.

Opinion on others: I really had a lot of hatred stored up for quite some time about society and its inhabitants, but that is slowly dying thankfully, despite the fact that the human race is slowly getting worse in my opinion. But I now realise that it is not our fault, but rather the way that we have been conditioned since birth by the media, the government and social structure. There is still the odd occasion where I will have a crack and get angry (usually if I go out in Warrnambool, am I the only one that realises that there are so many arrogant fuckwits and fake cunts out? Am I the only one that realises that girls only get with tossers and then complain about it? So on so forth…) but I am trying to slowly change that thought of mind. Alcohol really does do stupid things, to be completely honest the happiest time in my life was when I went 18 months without it, but I am a loose as bloke so I need to keep drinking now… hahaha

Music: This one hasn’t changed much really, the only thing that has changed is the amount of positive-filled music I listen to (and NO, that shit you hear on coast FM does not count as ‘positive’ it is actually the worst kind of music because it teaches the children listening to be sluts and get hangovers at young ages; fuckwits). Listening to Northlane and Stick to Your Guns’ new albums, the greatest thing that has happened to me in recent times, it’s truly self-empowering.

Education: The thing with school, for me personally, was that they were teaching boring subjects that I didn’t want to know about. When you do your own research on things that you WANT to know about it is so much easier to learn and pass on that knowledge. I didn’t realise how important education and knowledge really was until this year, once again a truly self-empowering experience. I’m still quite fresh at understanding how to gain myself a better knowledge of important things, but I’m trying and in my opinion that’s the most important thing.

That’s really about it that’s changed for me recently, bring on some more change and some good experiences I say! Change is coming all around us in 2012, I just hope that it's for the best.

Stay beautiful people
Stephanie Danielle Johansson

I believe in a world where peace is not a slogan but a reality, where the basis of our existence does not rely on the trends set by those before us. I believe in a world where people are not judged by the clothes they wear or the music they listen to, but by the content of their characters.
Dan Casey

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