Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Let's sit in a corner and hold hands and talk about our feelings

Just thought I'd do a blog piece today because 1) I'm honestly as bored as a morbidly obese child in subway and 2) I figured I best keep updating this blog as much as possible because I genuinely like writing the pieces. Just gonna be another random piece (future pieces will probably go back to a “single topic” format with a more serious tone ha), I guess on what I’ve been up to lately and what’s been on my mind NIGGGUHZ :) 

- Been watching an absolute shitload of How I Met Your Mother lately, fair sure I’ve watched all 7 seasons almost In like two weeks haha! Barney Stinson is an absolutely classic character, never fails to make me laugh and there’s something about that show that’s so insanely addictive even though in my opinion season 7 is kind of homosexual, pun intended. Also just started watching 1000 ways to die again fucking classic TV show if you haven’t heard of it Google that shit and download it, and also decided to restart Blue Mountain State which in my opinion is one of the best TV shows ever created it constantly has me in tears due to the fact that Thad Castle is the BEST character ever created for anything, ever, period, finished, done, ever, ever.

Just recently finished off season 2 of Game of Thrones too and I almost died inside when I seen the midget die god WHO HURTS A MIDGET?! RIDICULOUS! (Apart from those midget wrestlers those crazy little fuckers!). Keen as fuck for the new season of How I Met Your Mother, The Big Bang Theory, Sons of Anarchy and any UFC event in the next….forever. Oh and I have also been watching a shitload of YouTube videos on ancient knowledge and the pyramids, very interesting stuff and addictive, if only I didn’t have an internet connection that even cavemen would laugh at the pricks…

- Still been listening to the usual lately (Stick to Your Guns, Northlane) but also been listening a shitload to the new Resist The Thought album, new Architects album and surprisingly a lot of Heaven Shall Burns’ older stuff, also been ripping a lot of D At Sea through my headphones, shit I’m cool, check his shit out. Been absolutely destroying Red Rooster lately with my super awesome 80’s psyche up mix and if you don’t like it fucking eat a dick because if you don’t enjoy listening to Bon Jovi and Motely Crue then you don’t deserve the air that you breathe!

- Basically same old on that front, been doing a fair bit of calf work at home to help out mum (I’m a fucking nice guy, Miranda Kerr take notice off this and ditch that bloom bastard babe), constantly being told that my music is shit and I should stop listening to it, which just makes me want to listen to it even more you idiots and been hanging around the grandfather as much as possible. He just went around Australia on a 3 week trip the lucky bugger, wish I could’ve gone fuck off university and work no one likes you anyways. I was also just recently told by a family member of mine that their son has been copping a lot of shit off his mates and he has bi-polar, this kind of shit makes me angry at humanity and wish that the Wanstead street warriors would rise up and kill everyone but I remain positive because I know there is a lot of decent people out there, you just have to open your eyes.
- So I’ve been TRYING to watch the bloody NBA finals (eat a fucking dick Lebron) but I’ve had work for the past few days and missed the games, thank god because the heat one god I hate you Lebron once again eat a dick. Been watching as much AFL as possible, it has been an awesome year for footy with so many unpredictable and close finishes and the bombers have been flying quite high apart from their loss to Melbourne FML. Apart from that haven’t really watched much sport, although like I said in a previous post I will probably be a veg when the Olympics start (it’s not my fault I like to masturbate to the female weightlifters hahahahaha)

Been watching a shitload of live comedy performances lately, trying to watch as much of Bill Hicks, George Carlin, Dave Chappelle and shooterwilliamson videos on YouTube as much as possible (that’s why the internet is capped, not because of my fetish for hardcore German porn hahahaha I SWEAR XD). But even if I’m not watching these things I’m laughing at my own sense of humour anyway or reading Mahony’s blog and pissing myself because we’re both fairly hilarious, well I am he’s a fuckin white mutt hahah

- Been thinking about my future a lot lately too, I mean obviously I have because I have like 6 months of uni left, which is basically like 8 years because I will just fail everything ;) because I’m stoopid. I enjoy Commerce as a subject so hopefully I land a job in an area that I like, but when it comes down to it I don’t want to become some drone that just works 9-5 and gets drunk on the weekends, I want to strive to be something different and I want to be able to use the money I earn efficiently on things like travelling and using my time to spend with the people that I want to spend it with, but I guess a lot of people say that and end up just being a drone anyways haha, oh well at least I have my video games to finish WATTADORKKENTTTTTT

Keeping this post short, the next post I do I might make as big as my penis so like 124737472329838924239832 inches long. If you’re bored chuck us a text at 1300 6555 06 you fuckin spastics. But stay beautiful.

Stephanie Danielle Johansson

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