Sunday, May 13, 2012

Religion: An intellectual prison of the mind

"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false and by the rulers as useful." Seneca the Younger 

I should start off this piece by stating that I truly believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, so if you want to believe in your 'lord and saviour' Jesus Christ or any other religious figure then go ahead, I'm not here to preach, all I'm simply doing is writing down why I personally don't blindly follow any religion because I make my own decisions regarding spirituality and life after death...

There are roughly 20 different "major" religions in the world today (Christianity, Islam, Hinduism etc..) and thousands of different belief systems out there and they all have one thing in common; restriction. A dedicated Christian is told to live by the ten commandments in the bible, a dedicated Muslim is told to pray five times a day; the list goes on forever! Religious devotees are all restricted by a set of rules and regulations put in place by a so called "higher power". Because of the restrictions in place, it is harder for these people to think for themselves, gain knowledge of the universe and seek answers and truths because "god already has a plan set in place for all of us".

The most frustrating thing about religious devotees is that if you have a conversation about God, Jesus, Satan or life after death with them then they are happy to oblige and will share in a conversation with you, but as soon as things such as science pop-up they won't indulge in conversation any more! Religious people that do that are absolutely pathetic in my opinion, you ask them "is there absolutely any doubt in your mind that God isn't real and that Jesus did not exist" and their reply is never "there's a possibility that is true" it's always "no". They don't even acknowledge the fact that there are numerous other theories out there because THEY ARE RIGHT. By the way if you're reading this and you haven't had a discussion with a religious devotee turn out to be a one-sided stubborn affair, then I don't think you've really had a conversation with a religious devotee!

Religious people that are truly dedicated aren't the only ones that piss me off, those people that consider themselves "Christian" yet they go out and drink alcohol and have sex before marriage are the worst kind! BUT ITS ALL OK because Jesus loves you and so long as you repent your sins you can do anything and just "apologise" for it; am I the only one that thinks these people are ridiculous? Stop letting religion dictate your every mood and embrace your inner feelings and emotions and use them to aid decision making and dictate the path YOU want to lead in life.

I must admit that Creationism is not the only thing that has its limitations, Evolutionism contains many limitations also. Both Creationism and Evolutionism restrict our abilities to make connections between religion and science, the reality in which we live and the creator known to many as "god".

I'll keep this post relatively short because I could seriously go on for years about Religion but I'm quite new at this "putting my thoughts into words" thing. There's a few videos and other blogs that consist of not only Religion but other cool aspects, I will link them and recommend you watch/read them.

If you truly want a good read I HIGHLY RECOMMEND the following blog RIGHT HERE by a friend of mine. This bloke can definitely write better than I can and he is a human encyclopaedia! It not only mentions religion but many other important aspects, GO READ IT!

Another good read is this blog by Kane Charles. I would link it on Facebook as well, but I think due to him being a sex offender it may not comply with his bail conditions hahaha!

Peace homies! Have an amazing day :)

Stephanie Danielle Johansson xo

"Seek the answers to the questions that constrain your mind to this futile dimension. We are the severed minds disconnected from the masses; a world of free thinkers. We are longing for an understanding of the universe around us, we barely understand the universe within our minds. Free your mind." Northlane - Abrasumente

If you have the time watch above, very interesting.

If you want to watch Christianity get owned in my opinion, watch below.

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