Monday, May 21, 2012

Video Gamez :)

The top video is a guy rage quitting because he can't beat Shao Kahn, the majority of his videos are hilarious.
The bottom video is some bloke pissing off World of Warcraft players and messing up their plans, classic Leeroy!


Honestly who hasn't kicked back and "accidentally" ran over numerous prostitutes and stolen their money or sniped someone's head off on Grand Theft Auto before?! If you haven't done either of those things then you've probably been living underneath a rock for your entire lifetime thus far and I highly recommend that you have a crack at them! Who out there honestly hasn't thought to themselves how awesome it would be if you could do those things in real life and only get fined a bit of cash and each time you die you get resurrected like Jebus?! Video games are fucking awesome and I have decided to do my third post on them, and try to write it in more of a light-hearted fashion because let’s face it, being serious in all of my blog posts all the time would just be lame!

I remember back in the good ol' days when I was like six years old or something and I had a Sega Megadrive, yes a SEGA MEGADRIVE (probably the greatest console ever made). To this day I still cannot beat the second level on Batman (there's like six levels for fuck sake!), cannot for the life of me beat Shao Kahn on Mortal Kombat 3, and I flog the piss out of every team on World Championship Soccer by at least 15-0. Nowadays it's all about the newest "call of duty" title or this motion sensor bullshit like the Wii, fuck that, anything before the PS2 should be considered 'the good old days' in my opinion because those consoles were the shit! I think the best part about playing video games for most people is the fact that it is an external reality, one that anyone can enjoy. My understanding is that it's kind of how movies and music work as well, everyone has at one stage wished they could be a movie star or in a band, why not be a game character? That might kind of sound lame to some people, but I know there is a lot of people out there that genuinely enjoy gaming because it an escape from reality.

It is actually quite funny having a conversation with older generations about video games, the majority of conversations I've had involve them complaining about younger generations spending too much time playing video games. It's funny because I reckon they are just jealous that we get to play awesome games like Grand Theft Auto and back in their day all they had to play with was marbles the poor bastards! Then the argument comes that "we were playing outside in our days", pfft screw exercise that's bloody boring (no wonder we as a country are so fat, shit). Maybe older generations just have a fear of technology, because seriously the same conversation comes up every time I check my phone or am on the computer browsing the net! TECHNOLOGY666TECHNOLOGY

It is genuinely good to see that gaming is accepted by the wider community. This is probably due to the fact that it doesn't matter what stereotype in society you are categorised under you would have killed someone on Grand Theft Auto or Call of Duty before; even some of your local arrogant pill poppin' v-neck shirt wearin' footyheads probably play Call of Duty! Some people still consider video games 'nerdy' but who gives a fuck what they think, so long as you're having fun and living your life the way YOU want to, isn't that all that matters?

People that assume that all gamers are white pasty 'nerds' who live in their parents' basements and never see the daylight are pretty clueless. I mean YES, there is absolutely no denying that those people exist, but I've found personally that majority of gamers still go out and socialise and make friends; they're just as normal as any other stereotype in society. And in the end, who really cares if there are people that play games all day, they're not harming anybody (except perhaps their own bodies due to lack of vitamin D in their skin hahaha).

My favourite games of all time include the following (not in any particular order)
- Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (they've been shit ever since, admit it!)
- God of War 1 & 2
- Mortal Kombat Deception, MK 3 & MK 9 (Shao Kahn can jump off a cliff though, asshole)
- Hitman Blood Money (Hitman: Absolution come at me!)
- Borderlands (ridiculously keen for B'lands 2!)
- Battlefield Bad Company 2
- Grand Theft Auto 3, Vice City & San Andreas (pumped for GTA V)
- Red Dead Redemption
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution (haven't played the original Deus Ex)
- NBA2K12 (Derek Rose hittin' 60+ points every game, whatever)
- Fifa 12 (Yes, the third sporting game with 12 in it, I don't keep up to date with Fifa, NBA2K and Madden each year so you know, I just chose the newest ones because I have them and they're all awesome!)
- UFC Undisputed 3
- Diablo 3 (addictive as fuck)
- Mario Kart 64 (fair sure I'm world champion or some shit)
- Goldeneye 007 (not a freak at this, only good at the train level)
I've probably missed a few but stuff it this list is good enough!

Apologies if I got side-tracked here and there in this blog piece it’s pretty random, I typically just write whatever comes to mind first and I’m actually a Korean exchange student so ME NO VERY GOOD AT ENGWRISH.

Have a wonderful day you sexy people,
Stephanie Danielle Johansson xo

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Religion: An intellectual prison of the mind

"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false and by the rulers as useful." Seneca the Younger 

I should start off this piece by stating that I truly believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, so if you want to believe in your 'lord and saviour' Jesus Christ or any other religious figure then go ahead, I'm not here to preach, all I'm simply doing is writing down why I personally don't blindly follow any religion because I make my own decisions regarding spirituality and life after death...

There are roughly 20 different "major" religions in the world today (Christianity, Islam, Hinduism etc..) and thousands of different belief systems out there and they all have one thing in common; restriction. A dedicated Christian is told to live by the ten commandments in the bible, a dedicated Muslim is told to pray five times a day; the list goes on forever! Religious devotees are all restricted by a set of rules and regulations put in place by a so called "higher power". Because of the restrictions in place, it is harder for these people to think for themselves, gain knowledge of the universe and seek answers and truths because "god already has a plan set in place for all of us".

The most frustrating thing about religious devotees is that if you have a conversation about God, Jesus, Satan or life after death with them then they are happy to oblige and will share in a conversation with you, but as soon as things such as science pop-up they won't indulge in conversation any more! Religious people that do that are absolutely pathetic in my opinion, you ask them "is there absolutely any doubt in your mind that God isn't real and that Jesus did not exist" and their reply is never "there's a possibility that is true" it's always "no". They don't even acknowledge the fact that there are numerous other theories out there because THEY ARE RIGHT. By the way if you're reading this and you haven't had a discussion with a religious devotee turn out to be a one-sided stubborn affair, then I don't think you've really had a conversation with a religious devotee!

Religious people that are truly dedicated aren't the only ones that piss me off, those people that consider themselves "Christian" yet they go out and drink alcohol and have sex before marriage are the worst kind! BUT ITS ALL OK because Jesus loves you and so long as you repent your sins you can do anything and just "apologise" for it; am I the only one that thinks these people are ridiculous? Stop letting religion dictate your every mood and embrace your inner feelings and emotions and use them to aid decision making and dictate the path YOU want to lead in life.

I must admit that Creationism is not the only thing that has its limitations, Evolutionism contains many limitations also. Both Creationism and Evolutionism restrict our abilities to make connections between religion and science, the reality in which we live and the creator known to many as "god".

I'll keep this post relatively short because I could seriously go on for years about Religion but I'm quite new at this "putting my thoughts into words" thing. There's a few videos and other blogs that consist of not only Religion but other cool aspects, I will link them and recommend you watch/read them.

If you truly want a good read I HIGHLY RECOMMEND the following blog RIGHT HERE by a friend of mine. This bloke can definitely write better than I can and he is a human encyclopaedia! It not only mentions religion but many other important aspects, GO READ IT!

Another good read is this blog by Kane Charles. I would link it on Facebook as well, but I think due to him being a sex offender it may not comply with his bail conditions hahaha!

Peace homies! Have an amazing day :)

Stephanie Danielle Johansson xo

"Seek the answers to the questions that constrain your mind to this futile dimension. We are the severed minds disconnected from the masses; a world of free thinkers. We are longing for an understanding of the universe around us, we barely understand the universe within our minds. Free your mind." Northlane - Abrasumente

If you have the time watch above, very interesting.

If you want to watch Christianity get owned in my opinion, watch below.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Forever us against them all.

I'm extremely sick of people stereotyping others such as myself that listen to music that isn't your typical commercialised garbage being spread to the masses like the bubonic plague. Metal, Hardcore, Rock; they are essentially the three 'genres' of music that I listen to in my every day life. Just because I listen to music that isn't the "ordinary" thing to listen to, I instantly get cast as some kid who's just angry at the world. All I can say to that is fuck conforming. The media, amongst other things, has conditioned society into thinking that anyone that listens to Metal is a long-haired satanic freak, hell-bent on destroying humanity, and anyone with a mo-hawk or side fringe must be a depressed and alienated anarchist who enjoys rebelling against the community. All I can do is laugh at the people who genuinely think this, they really have absolutely no idea and they define ignorance.

The music I listen to is raw, aggressive, heartfelt and REAL. It isn't overdone by that piece of shit program "Auto-Tune" so that the sound is synthetic or artificial and the lyrics aren't about going out and getting drunk or subtly telling society that having sex at a young age is acceptable and the 'norm' (I'm looking at you commercial radio you fuck). I'm happy knowing that metal and hardcore music has shaped me into who I have become today, It has definitely helped me realise that I don't care what other people think and I'm proud to say that I enjoy metal. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion on commercial radio, but seriously to all those people out there that listen to all that mainstream pop shit tell me does "call me maybe" influence you and make you a better person? Are the lyrics meaningful? Yeah I'm sure they are...

I'm not denying that there are people out there with a "fuck the world" attitude in the metal/hardcore scene, and I'm not denying that that was my view of the world for quite some time, but as I've grown older I've definitely matured and realised that there is hope in this world and the whole "fuck the world" attitude is so pessimistic and stupid. I have definitely strayed away from bands with negative messages and been pushed to bands with a positive message. I used to think that bands like Confession, Carpathian and The Acacia Strain were brilliant to listen to when you're down, but they're not. Bands like Northlane and Stick To Your Guns are the bands that I want to listen to when I'm down and all the time because their lyrics are not only meaningful and can be applied to me personally, but because they are positive (shock horror!). To all the "hardcore" kids out there that have a negative attitude and won't ever change the only message I can give you is "You say fuck the world, we say fuck you".

Listening to music through speakers or an Ipod is one thing, but there is absolutely no better place in the world to be than at a live gig. The feeling of being up the front barrier, or in the moshpit (no, I'm not talking about that super cool 'moshpit' you were in at big day out) exerting energy for your favourite band really is like no other feeling in the world. When you hear the guitars shred or the bass drop (yewww skrillex?) or the drums blasting or the raspy and deep vocals by a metal or hardcore band, you know that they are giving their all and that they are passionate about what they do. They don't fucking lip sync like Britney Spears does and they don't need fancy fucking shows like Lady Gaga, they do it without the bullshit.

Anyway enough of me ranting I could go on for hours! I'll keep my first post relatively short. If you want to have a listen to some of the stuff that I have been listening to lately then check out the links below, have a read of their lyrics if you really want to try and understand why I love these bands so much at the moment.

Cheers Kentz! Stephanie Danielle Johansson xo

Saturday, May 5, 2012


I thought I was doing the world an injustice by keeping the answers to life's biggest questions all to myself, hence why I will be sharing my wealth of knowledge and wisdom with all you inferior beings. Just kidding children, this blog will just consist mainly of the following:
Views on challenging topics
Random hilarious shit
Other unpredictable folk-tales

So stay tuned for some awesome readz bitchez.
Stephanie Danielle Johansson xo

Btw if anyone finds my unicorn hit me up on facey xo